DIY Wedding Flowers - a workshop recap

As mentioned in my last post, I am looking forward to a great season of growing AND an expanded workshop and speaking schedule. I'm totally psyched!  Today was a fabulous day for my first DIY Wedding Flowers workshop for 2016.  Two more are scheduled - one in June and one in September. Please see the Current Workshops page of this website to learn more and sign up. 

Beautiful bouquets put together by some beautiful gals.

Beautiful bouquets put together by some beautiful gals.

You don't necessarily have to be a future bride to participate. Anyone interested in design is more than welcome.  Helping get you started is extremely rewarding and fun for me, whether you are soon to be married, are soon to be starting your own design business, or are simply seeking an educational and therapeutic afternoon with the flowers. Today, I think we covered it all, from flowers, to budget, to scheduling and design. I'd say we really crushed it! Hugs!