Daffodils make such a lovely houseguest

Daffs, andromeda and magnolia.JPG

Daffodils heralding spring!

Daffodils come in so many varieties it is sometimes hard to choose a favorite.  Most people think of the standard yellow, which of course warms our hearts with hopes of sunshine.  But take a look at this lovely little bouquet.  You'll see the big yellow trumpets.  Also included are white daffodils with a softer yellow cup or center.  Look on top, and you'll see one of my favorites - a white with stunning orange center.  Notice I have added some other spring favorites.  Forsythia always brightens up a room.  Just a few sprigs adds a bit of airiness to the bunch. Look carefully and you will see the amazingly gorgeous buds of our star magnolia, another one I LOVE to incorporate.  They are the soft pink buds at the very top of the bouquet and slightly lower and to the right.  Love this look!